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The Charlotte Bridge Blog & Update

Jan 11, 2022:

Hey, It's Christina. I loved creating the Charlotte Bridge with Chea, Jesse, Jack and Adam, but Chea really runs the journalism and I haven't been very needed/involved.

So late 2021, I decided to volunteer for Charlotte's DRB, and I'll be serving there for the time being. To avoid any conflict of interest, I won't be involved in any of the internal editorial processes at The Bridge.

I'm committed to transparency in government, and intend to be active at the DRB in ensuring open government, and strong communications.

Thanks to everyone who supports the Charlotte Bridge, and best wishes to Chea and the team.

-Christina Asquith

July 6, 2021: Hey, today we're sharing a few changes being made at The Charlotte Bridge: We created a correction policy to hold ourselves more accountable. And we are changing our editorial structure.

When we launched in the early Spring, we established Chea would be the editor/reporter, solely in charge of producing editorial content; and the other cofounders (myself, Jesse, Adam and Jack) would be on the board of directors, which governs the operations of the nonprofit.

Today, Jack, Jesse, Adam and myself are taking ourselves off the board, and giving ourselves the title: contributing writers.


Jack, Jesse, Adam and myself have more than a century of combined journalism experience, and what we can best bring to Charlotte and The Bridge is our skills as editors, journalists and columnists.

We removed ourselves from the board so we could report and write, without any potential concerns about influencing content by wielding a position of power over the journalist.

The Charlotte Bridge is now a network of independent journalists, equal in power to one another. We occasionally may team up on articles, but we publish independently from one another.

Thanks, Christina Asquith